

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Shoes! It's the small things that make me happy...

My new running shoes came yesterday and they are so COOL!! Because of my "flat feet" issue, I have to be very selective when it comes to running shoes. In fact, I have wore the same running shoes since 7th grade now...I mean, not the same pair, but the same make/model! When I came across these shoes, I thought they were cool, but thought to myself "too bad they won't work for me!" Thankfully I asked about them at Fleet Feet and was informed that they are actually a high stability shoe and purposefully made for people like me...the "flat footed!" I had really given up on the fact that I would ever get "cool" running shoes again...I had come to settle for comfort and protection for my knees, hips, back etc, but the wonderful Brooks came through! Now I've got two new pairs of running shoes that will be good for about 8 months hard running. You know, they say that if you are running a lot you should change your shoes every 4-5 months. So my plan is to alternate the two and I'll be good for a while! This shoe is called Pure Cadence. Doesn't that just sound "cool?!?" They are part of a Brooks running project...not only are they awesome colors, but they are so light...doesn't even feel like I have shoes on! WONDERFUL! Here's a pic! 
 Can't wait to put lots of miles on these!

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