So exciting! Now I better put this piece of paper to work, huh?!?!

Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
A night with Ty...
Although I'm probably just biased, Joe and I seriously have the cutest, funniest, smartest, almost 4 year old nephew on the planet. On Friday night, Joe and I stayed the night with Tyler. There was not a dull moment with this kid...he had us laughing the whole night! I wanted to jot down a few of his cute comments so I don't forget! He is growing so fast and I want to cherish all the "sweetness" he has right now!!
Funny moments/cute comments:
At dinner, Ty runs up to Joe and yells: "Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Dad!" - Then proceeds to sit down and quietly say "you just look so much like my dad!"
Also at dinner, out of no where Ty says: "Nationwide is on your side!" In the perfect tune as the commercial.
To me in the evening, while curled up on the couch watching a movie, Ty says: "Auntie, you sound so much like my mom." And then he said it a second time during story time.
Having a conversation with Tyler about anniversaries. I say, "Tyler, you were born just before auntie and uncles first anniversary." Ty says "Anniversary? What's thaaaat?" I proceed to try to explain and he says "well my parents just had a wedding, not anniversary." I continue to try to explain and then say, "And grandma and grandpa have anniversaries should ask them." Tyler says, "do they have like 7?" And I say "more like 33, Ty." And he says, "or maybe one hundred forty three..." We laugh!
Tyler also explained to me exactly how they made pancakes, as I was making them for breakfast. He was so helpful in the kitchen. He says, "Auntie I can even crack eggs." Since I'm unfamiliar with their kitchen, thank goodness he was around, he showed me EXACTLY where everything was! This kid is so smart!!! He also informed me that the blueberries should be used to make smiley faces on our pancakes. So cute!
Another cute comment was when we asked about the red mark on Tyler's face. He says "sometimes people just steer me in the wrong direction and I run into things!"
Ahhh, we just love him!! Here's some cute pics from our evening and morning! So much fun!
Silly pic!
Auntie and Ty taking a pic!!!
Love this boy!
Cute, Cute boy!
Our smiley cakes!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
New Shoes! It's the small things that make me happy...
My new running shoes came yesterday and they are so COOL!! Because of my "flat feet" issue, I have to be very selective when it comes to running shoes. In fact, I have wore the same running shoes since 7th grade now...I mean, not the same pair, but the same make/model! When I came across these shoes, I thought they were cool, but thought to myself "too bad they won't work for me!" Thankfully I asked about them at Fleet Feet and was informed that they are actually a high stability shoe and purposefully made for people like me...the "flat footed!" I had really given up on the fact that I would ever get "cool" running shoes again...I had come to settle for comfort and protection for my knees, hips, back etc, but the wonderful Brooks came through! Now I've got two new pairs of running shoes that will be good for about 8 months hard running. You know, they say that if you are running a lot you should change your shoes every 4-5 months. So my plan is to alternate the two and I'll be good for a while! This shoe is called Pure Cadence. Doesn't that just sound "cool?!?" They are part of a Brooks running project...not only are they awesome colors, but they are so light...doesn't even feel like I have shoes on! WONDERFUL! Here's a pic!
Can't wait to put lots of miles on these!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ice Ice Baby
Here's some pretty pics I took from our house. Right now we are very thankful we still have power! Praying power comes on quick for those who have lost it!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Let it SNOW...Let it SNOW...Let it SNOW!
Ahh, SNOW...I just LOVE it!! There is something so calm about it. I love how it makes me feel so excited, so much like a kid! Last night the anticipation of the storm was killing me...I had to check outside every 5 or so minutes in hopes the snow would start. I even stayed up until after midnight, dying to see some snowfall before I went to bed!! When I woke up at 5am, I was thrilled to look outside and see everything covered in a thick, white blanket. How beautiful!!! Oh, how beautiful...
Around 9am we headed out for a walk...our first stop, Starbucks! Thank goodness for the Starbucks employees that still made it in...we were thankful for our hot cup of joe! With coffees in hand, we proceeded to walk, and walk, and walk. I swear walking is WAY more fun in the snow. We travelled about 3 miles, found some wonderful patches of un-tracked snow...have I mentioned how much I LOVE the snow! Here's some pics from our walk...I'm thinking we'll have another one later this afternoon!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Marathon Training Round 2
Yep, I'm doing it again! Running 26.2 miles once just didn't seem like enough, so I'm trying my hand (or I should say "feet") at it again. I decided that while I'm still young and not encountering any limb issues, now's my chance. While I can't say running for almost 5 hours straight is fun, per say, I can say that there is no other feeling like crossing the finish line and knowing I just accomplished 26.2 miles. It's something many people can't or won't ever experience. But, I've done it once, and I'm doing it again. I hope it feels just as good the second time!
My training plan started last week and went okay. Unfortunately, I have a cold. So with my body telling me to rest and my training plan telling me to run, it makes for a rough week. But here we are, on to week two and things are shaping up for the better. My first 10 mile run is this Saturday. Route is mapped, running buddy is booked, and mental status is excited! We shall see.
Here's a funny video about a marathon running. This cracked me up because a lot of the responses from both the non-runner and the marathon trainee in this video are realistic and are often similar comments I hear when I tell people I'm running a marathon! Enjoy!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy
On Saturday December 10th, I graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with my Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy. It still hasn't set in...
It feels like I'm on a break and in no time will be back in classes. But it isn't so! This is the first time I've graduated and don't have more school to look forward to...when I graduated high school, I knew I was headed to TCC...when I graduated TCC, I knew I was going to UW...when I graduated UW, I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I was going back...AND NOW, I graduated PLU and...
I will not be getting my PhD! Well as of now, that is...
I've become accustomed to being a student...YIKES! What to do now...the opportunities are endless! Thank goodness my career in Marriage and Family Therapy will require continuing education, so I do have something to look forward to!
There are so many highlights from my program at PLU and I would love to share all of those, however, I will probably do that in another blog on another day! I am truly thankful for the chance to go to graduate school. I read that only 6-8% of Americans have Master Degrees. WOW! I am part of that small percent and it feels great (the paying back the loan part is a whole other story, though...YIKES).
I am extremely grateful for my family and friends that supported me through this process. I definitely couldn't have done it without being encouraged along the way. I loved celebrating after my ceremony and am so thankful to everyone who stopped by. Here's a few pics...
Best husband ever! Thanks for being so supportive!
Mom and Popo!
John and Janis
With my professors! They are wonderful!
My wonderful professors and classmates!
Waiting to be hooded...
After getting my hood! Feeling so accomplished!
Sis and Bro - and Ty who didn't want to look!
Ann and Missy
Wonderful Ariel! Couldn't have made it through the program without her!
Time to party...and EAT!
It was so fun having everyone come and celebrate!
The AWESOME PLU cupcakes Joe made!
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