Well, Fall is here! I can't believe how fast this year is flying by, but I have to say I'm excited. I think my excitement is mostly due to the fact that I graduate in TWO months. However, there are so many other things I love about Fall. Here's just a few...
hot coffee
the smell of fires
the changing leaves
comfort food
...and most of all the crisp, cool air. There is something just fabulous about breathing the fresh air of Fall. Today I spent some time giving my home the "Fall" feel. I love that it just takes a few pumpkins and creative thinking to add a little flavor of Fall. Here's some pics...
This little chalkboard is going to be so much fun...a World Market find!
A touch of pumpkins!
My table centerpiece...these were a good, inexpensive find at Freddys
Love this idea!
It isn't Fall without Candy Corn
Lucy loves Fall too!